
Gold Price Manipulation: the paper gold scam and how it affects you!

Gold Price Manipulation unveiled. Recently we have witnessed an increasing unveiling of scams and fraudulent activities by banks. Look all over the media (even mainstream): Libor rate fixing, derivatives fraud, and now proof of the ongoing (downward) manipulation of the gold price. When it comes to the gold price there …


Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership (TTIP), just a free trade agreement?

Today on The Janssen Report (#47): Do we want the Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership (TTIP)? This week the US and EU restarted their trade talks concerning the highly controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, also known as the TTIP. Do we really want this so-called free trade agreement? Is it really …

Global Economy

The End of the Dollar as the World Reserve Currency, history repeating. Prepare!

Today on The Janssen Report (#46): The end of the US dollar as the world reserve currency is near. And not just that, it’s actually much worse. The end of the US Dollar is near, period. Is this shocking, unforeseen? Or is this demise part of a cycle that we …


Ban the banks, only systemic change can prevent global economic collapse

Today on The Janssen Report (#45): Is “banning the banks” an idea going mainstream? …or so we are led to believe if we read this article on (April 27, 2014). There might be a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel. I do see more and …