Search Results for: market

ABN Amro Bankers circumvent bonus ceiling; Blockupy stands up against ECB in Frankfurt

Today on The Janssen Report (#96) several astounding bank-related headlines this week: Dutch ABN Amro bank executives raise their pay by 17% to circumvent the government imposed bonus ceiling. Remember: this is a tax-payer bailed out bank. Former HSBC chairman Lord Green says he’s sorry about the HSBC tax scandal. …

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Global Economy

De-dollarization continues while China gains traction with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Today on The Janssen Report (#95): de-dollarization continues while China gets stronger on gold reserves & gains traction with their Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank… Some of today’s & recent headlines: Christine Lagarde of the IMF: Lagarde Warns World to Brace for Volatility If Fed Surprises. Pension fund grab in Greece, …

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Central Banks

Federal Reserve and other central banks fail to create recovery & are we seeing the covert (monetary) comeback of gold?

Today on The Janssen Report (#93): time and again we see the failure of central banks to create recovery in the real economy. There is no true improvement in the jobs market, no wage increase, and inflation is going down rather than up. The housing market is also not performing. It …

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Central Banks

ECB QE at 60 billion a month, worldwide monetary policies signal distress

Today on The Janssen Report (#91): why have we allowed thin air to be a cashflow generating asset? This in essence what the banking system has created for itself: creating an interest-generating asset (= loans) by typing numbers in a computer. With the Swiss National Bank unpegging the Franc from …

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Global Economy

The Oil & Ruble Crash, Declarations of War Against Russia and Connecting Some of the Dots

Today on The Janssen Report (#90): as we move towards the end of the year, let’s connect a few dots on the global economic and geopolitical chess board. US Congress passed a few bills this year cornering Russia with severe sanctions. And very recently the OPEC decided to intervene in …

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Global Economy

Derivatives 10 times the size of the global economy: trigger to a global financial meltdown?

Today on The Janssen Report (#88): the financialization of pretty much everything has caused incredible systemic risk on top of so-called collateral. In fact, this collateral is the true value upon which most derivatives are based, such as gold, silver, oil and real estate. It turns out that even the …

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Global Economy

Bankers: White Collar Crime and the War on Gold

Today on The Janssen Report (#87): two important items to understand in this global economy are the war on gold and the continuation of crimes by bankers. Gold’s importance is still downplayed in the media, but anyone can see there is something huge going on. Nation after nation is repatriating their physical …

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Global Economy

Your Bank Deposits Are No Longer Considered Money: New G20 Bail In Policy

Today on The Janssen Report (#86): as of right now YOUR bank deposits are no longer considered money! Your deposits are now going to be eligible for confiscation when your bank/financial institution is about to collapse. Your savings and checking account are equal to ‘paper investments’, giving them less priority …

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Global Economy

Even Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan Says QE Failed, Gold is Good Place to Put Money

Today on The Janssen Report (#84): even Alan Greenspan admitted that the easy money policy of the Federal Reserve failed to help the economy recover. He stated that unwinding the Fed’s balance sheet will be troublesome and that gold is actually a good place to put money these days. He …

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Global Economy

More Evidence: Global Wealth Inequality Grows More Quickly Due to “Unfair System”

Today on The Janssen Report (#83): new Oxfam study (released yesterday) shows how the rigged system favors the few at the expense of the rest of the world. Solutions are suggested, but I feel personal education and taking ACTION to become self-reliant is the best option for everyone of us. …

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