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Global Economy

ECB to Start Asset Purchases Program in October – Kicking the Can of Structural Reform Down the Road

Today on The Janssen Report (#71): ECB will inflate their balance sheet by at least 700 billion euros to purchase so-called ‘assets’ in an attempt to stimulate the economy. I argue this will lead to inflation in asset markets, but the positive effect on the real economy will be limited. …

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Global Economy

Helicopter Drop of Cash on Main Street Necessary, Says Council on Foreign Relations

Today on The Janssen Report (#70): article appearing in the Foreign Affairs journal of the Council on Foreign Relations explains why central banks should print less money but give more directly to the people.Although this sounds great (free cash for everyone!), this is hardly a structural solution to the enormous …

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Global Economy

Gold and Silver bullion: a Different Perspective on the True Value of Precious Metals

Today on The Janssen Report (#63): reporting to you from the magnificent Garda Lake in Italy with a different perspective on the value of precious metals, particularly gold and silver bullion. A little note: at the 3:56 mark I meant to refer to the geopolitical circumstances here; gold would really …

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Income and Wealth Inequality Leading to Severe Social Disruptions, profound study by Thomas Piketty

Today on The Janssen Report (#41) we examine “Capital in the 21st Century”, in-depth research by Thomas Piketty. French economist and researcher Thomas Piketty recently published a book about his study concerning the developments of wealth and income inequality. Broad study incorporating who owns what versus who earns what Unique …

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Global Economy

Global economic collapse, reset, Euro Zone bail in scenarios, bilateral trade agreements exit dollar

Today on The Janssen Report (#31): how close are we to a collapse of the global economy? Or will the financial system be reset? IMF advises Europe to test bail in scenarios: how much of our savings will be seized to restructure the debt, 10, 20, 25%? Federal Reserve tapering …

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The Big Reset, debt restructuring, bail-ins, the end game, protect your wealth!

Today on The Janssen Report (#30): I have covered the course of our current global financial system and that we are headed for an end game of either deflation or hyperinflation. I briefly touched upon the other scenario (which might even be more likely): the Big Reset. My fellow countryman …

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Gold, silver, why buy gold & silver bullion, rehypothecation, precious metals scarcity

Today on The Janssen Report (#28): 2 of the most important reasons why to buy physical gold & silver; The concept of rehypothecation and what this means for the real value of gold and silver, Physical storage of gold: is it really there? Why is Germany not getting their gold …

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Precious metals war, preserve your wealth, gold price manipulation, severely undervalued!

Today on The Janssen Report: There is a (physical) precious metals war going on, gold moving from West to East, German repatriation of gold is slow. I believe there is a severe undervaluation of gold and silver because of price manipulation in the paper markets. Most asset classes are inflated …

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Central Banks

To taper or not to taper, that’s the 85 billion dollar question!

Short Report today (#17)! The December 85 billion dollar question: to taper or not to taper…. Do you think the Federal Reserve will tighten their monetary policy? I don’t buy it, because the markets need the liquidity to keep up. If the Fed tapers, I’m pretty sure the stock market …

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US debt at 200 trillion, more bank fraud and fines, EU banking union, Inform Act

Today on The Janssen Report (#16): US debt multiple times higher than reported, at 200 trillion The Inform Act calling for fiscal gap accounting in the US 6 banks fined at 2.3 billion dollars for market rigging in the EU, interest rate fraud EU banking union being formed giving more …

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